Friday, May 20, 2011

The Wonder City has arrived, and other things that made my week great!

Yes, folks, 5 years of work and a few intense months of final work on the book, 900 plus copies of the first part of Justin Rivers' and my graphic novel, The Wonder City, has arrived from the printer....and it looks like a real book! We're so excited to start sharing it with friends...

I also just arrived home from an amazing vacation to Colombia. After much wandering through the historic streets of Bogota, many wonderful people encountered, much good food eaten, and an awesome weekend in the Amazon, I feel like I've refilled my creative stores. I can't wait to do some new drawings and post some of my favorite photos from the trip. Traveling does something wonderful, forces you to feel a bit of discomfort and challenges your senses. I didn't know I'd love Colombia so much, but I can't wait to go back and see other parts of South America too. Signing up for Spanish classes asap.

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